Tag Archives: shame

And Then I Stopped Breathing

All fat people are out of shape. You know, they can’t walk too far. They can’t take the stairs. They can’t do much more than hold down the living room sofa with one hand in a bag of chips and the other on…

Of Outhouses and Humiliation

by Christina Fisanick Greer, Ph.D. I take a deep breath and squat, my skin barely touching the seat of the outhouse toilet. I pee as fast as possible, wipe, and toss. I nearly break into a run fleeing the small, reeking confines of…

Coping with the Shame of Food Addiction

by Christina Fisanick Greer, Ph.D. Just hours old Newborn nurses, picking up my round legs giggle: “Look, mama, her thighs are so big.” Age 11 Mom, clearly disgusted by my behavior: “You’re having another bowl of potato salad? You just ate two. How…

About Us

Christina Fisanick Greer, Ph.D. is a writing professor and published author. Her goals are to help as many people in recovery as possible through writing and creativity. Christina can be reached at clfisanick@aol.com.


Kelly M. ---The resources on this site really helped me in my recovery from food addiction. Lisa F. ---Christina goes above and beyond to help people in recovery.

Optimistic Food Addict

OptimisticFoodAddict.com is a website devoted to supporting recovery from Food Addiction and Binge Eating Disorder. Christina Greeer, Ph.D., the founder and editor of this site, is not a physician but a writer and food addict who aims to help all.